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BNC 模块1105‐2chR‐HF‐G

更新时间:2018-02-01   点击次数:894次
ARB/Function Generators   
AP‐3  50MHz ARB/Function Generator w/GPIB & USB Communication
1105  400MHz Universal Counter
1105‐G  400MHz Universal Counter w/GPIB
PB‐5  400MHz Universal Counter w/Rear Input Module, 2ch
1105‐2chR‐G  400MHz Universal Counter w/Rear Input Module, 2ch, built in GPIB
1105‐2ChR‐HS  400MHz Universal Counter w/Rear Input Module, 2ch, High Stability Oven
1105‐2ChR‐HS‐G  400MHz Universal Counter w/Rear Input Module, 2ch, High Stability Oven and built in GPIB
1105‐2chR‐HF  400MHz Universal Counter w/Rear Input Module, 2ch, High Frequency
1105‐2chR‐HF‐G  400MHz Universal Counter w/Rear Input Module, 2ch, High Frequency and built in GPIB
1105‐2chR‐HF‐HS  400MHz Universal Counter w/Rear Input Module, 2ch, High Frequency, and High Stability Oven
1105‐2chR‐HF‐HS‐G  400MHz Universal Counter w/Rear Input Module, 2ch, High Frequency, High Stability Oven and built in GPIB
1105‐3chR  400MHz Universal Counter w/Rear Input Module, 3ch
1105‐3chR‐G  400MHz Universal Counter w/Rear Input Module, 3ch, built in GPIB
1105‐3chR‐HS  400MHz Universal Counter w/Rear Input Module, 3ch, High Stability Oven
1105‐3chR‐HS‐G  400MHz Universal Counter w/Rear Input Module, 3ch, High Stability Oven and built in GPIB
1105‐HS  400MHz Universal Counter w/High Stability Oven
1105‐HS‐G  400MHz Universal Counter w/High Stability Oven and built in GPIB
1105‐HF  400MHz Universal Counter w/High Frequency
1105‐HF‐G  400MHz Universal Counter w/High Frequency and built in GPIB
1105‐HF‐HS  400MHz Universal Counter w/High Frequency and High Stability Oven
1105‐HF‐HS‐G  400MHz Universal Counter w/High Frequency, High Stability Oven and built in GPIB
1201  Digital Multimeter, 6.5 Digit
1201‐G  Digital Multimeter, 6.5 Digit w/GPIB
1201‐R  Digital Multimeter, 6.5 Digit w/RS232
1201‐S  Digital Multimeter, 6.5 Digit w/Built in Scanner Card
1201‐G‐S  Digital Multimeter, 6.5 Digit w/GPIB & Scanner Card
 P/N 7011 Thermocouple Adapter (1201)
 P/N 7012 BNC to Banana Adapter (1201)
 P/N 7013 RTD Probe Adapter (1201)
 P/N 7014 Kelvin Probe (1201)
 P/N 7015 4‐Wire Test Leads (1201)
 P/N 7056 RS232 Board (1201)
 P/N 7079 Multi‐Point Scanner Card, 10channel for Model 1201



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